Sunday 24 June 2012

The Bucket List (of sorts)

The Bucket List and "Yes” Man

No this isn’t a Hollywood title theft, although both films have a great point.

This post is actually inspired by conversations I’ve had very recently with three people – one being a lady I had the pleasure of meeting at an event in Cheshire, one a good friend of mine, and the other from twitter (thanks Naomi and Chesca!)

In my line of work you often come across some shocking stories – whether it’s cancer, or a horrific accident. These stories make you realise that life is short, and time spent being angry, worried or scared is all time wasted. So this post is dedicated to those that grab life by the balls and crack on with it.

While at the event in Cheshire, I was talking to a lady about the Children’s Air Ambulance Husky Trek in February. She said it was always something she wanted to do, and dropped that she had completed her “50 things to do before she dies”, and wanted to start another one.

 The conversation spiraled into some of the amazing thing she’d done, and I was hooked!

So I wanted to share my “to do” bucket list (there’s a lot I’ve already done), in the hope that you lot might hold me accountable if I never do any of them, and also to inspire some more ideas. It’s not a top 50, or in any order, but I’m trying to group it a bit…

 Music/Live Acts

Learn to play the guitar (properly!)
As a result of the above – perform on stage (I had the opportunity to do this last year but I bottled it!!)
See the Foo Fighters
See Green Day
See Black Stone Cherry

See Blink 182 (this will be a tick in 2 weeks time!)
See Frank Turner (November)
See Alter Bridge
See one of the above at Wembley


Russell Howard

Erm, I’m struggling with this one because I’ve seen most of them!


Hot Air Balloon Ride
Sky Dive (September)
Get my bike licence (half way there)
Be taught how to ride properly by Chesca (I’m holding her to this)

Bungee Jump into water
Fly a plane
Fly a helicopter
White Water Rafting
Handle birds of prey (“Go on a night out in Norwich” was one response I got to this once)


Get the qualifications that allow me to teach post-16 classes
Teach post-16 education (Psychology most probably)
Learn photography
Learn to play golf (mainly because I’m pants at it!)


Organise my own full blown festival
Buy a scrap car and rebuild it
Take part in the Crumball Rally (or something similar)
Have a “Yes Man” week

Places to see/visit

Rome, and all the usual sites
New Zealand (for the adventure sports)
Amsterdam (yes, I’ve never been to Amsterdam!)
The Amazon
Camp Nou
Las Vegas

Ultimate ambitions

Own my own successful business
Start my own charitable trust
Do everything I can to make other people’s lives that little bit easier

These are just thing off the top of my head, and I’m sure there’s a load more. What is your bucket list like? Share some with me on twitter - @TCAADave

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